Friday, June 10, 2011

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  • smartboy75
    07-09 11:00 AM

    07/09/2008: USCIS Biometric Changes For Re-Entry Permits and Refugee Travel Documents 07/08/2008

    USCIS has issued revised instructions for USCIS Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. The instructions include changes effective March 5, 2008 that require applicants for re-entry permits and refugee travel documents to provide biometrics (e.g., fingerprints and photographs) at a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for background and security checks and to meet requirements for secure travel and entry documents containing biometric identifiers.
    Q. May an I-131 applicant for a re-entry permit or refugee travel document complete biometrics outside of the United States?
    A. Form I-131 instructions provide guidance for certain persons who are abroad at the time of filing to visit a U.S. Embassy or consulate for fingerprinting, although all applicants are urged to file before leaving the United States. Since certain overseas offices have the discretion to accept and adjudicate applications for refugee travel documents, although it is not mandatory that they do so, an applicant for a refugee travel document may complete biometrics outside of the United States, but is encouraged to wait to travel until his or her biometrics have been collected and the document delivered. As discussed earlier, certain overseas USCIS offices may, in their discretion, adjudicate Form I-131 filed for a refugee travel document (but not re-entry permits), where the applicant has failed to apply while in the U.S. (see 8 C.F.R. � 223.2(b)(2)(ii)). However, applicants for refugee travel documents should not count on the overseas offices necessarily agreeing to adjudicate Form I-131 in all cases, particularly where it is evident that the individual could have applied while in the U.S. and attended his or her biometrics appointment. Applicants for reentry permits should attend their biometric appointment at the designated ASC. If the applicant departs the United States before the biometrics are collected, the application may be denied.
    Q. Will Form I-131 re-entry permit or refugee travel document be denied if the applicant leaves the U.S. after the application has been filed and receipted but before biometrics are completed?
    A. Form I-131 form instructions state, �Departure from the United States before a decision is made on an application for a Re-entry Permit usually does not affect the application. However, where biometric collection is required and the applicant departs the United States before the biometrics are collected, the application may be denied.� Travel is not advisable. If an applicant leaves and comes back, his or her application may be denied while abroad, and he or she may not be able to get back into the country. Even though an overseas USCIS office may, in its discretion, take the biometrics of an applicant for a refugee travel document, there is no guarantee that the office will necessarily exercise its discretion to do so. Therefore, USCIS again urges all I-131 applicants for whom biometrics will be required to file their applications well in advance of their scheduled departure dates. USCIS suggests applicants apply for a travel document at least 60 days prior to the date of travel.

    So if we efile EAD and then 2 months down the line efile AP, do we have to go twice for biometrics ???

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  • theperm
    05-07 02:49 PM
    since leaving the employer was not my intent but the employer`s decision

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  • gk_2000
    04-21 09:41 AM
    I will be relocating to Houston soon. I am new to the area. I would really appreciate if you can give your inputs on good neighborhoods, cost of living, etc.


    I heard Sugarland has good concentration of desis..

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  • ganguteli
    04-08 06:21 PM
    Please feel free to delete my id.

    I am done here. Wish good luck to everybody. Hope everyone gets GC soon.

    As if your ID has any value?

    Who cares about annonymous IDs anyways. :D:D:D

    I am happy you did not get any reply. You thought you are some Senator or VIP...
    Go show off your ego to your CEO and lawyer. You will get the treatment that will put you on ground level.


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  • logiclife
    02-16 01:02 PM
    There is a 7% limit per country. This 7% is applicable when all countries have large number of applicants. I case of several countries not filling their own 7% limit, those numbers have gone to India and China whose demand far outstrips 7% of 140,000 EB visas.

    In 2004 and 2005, India and China already got way more than 7% since there wasnt much demand from other countries.

    I think India got 42,000 EB visas out of 140,000, the visas that overflowed from those countries whose demand was negligible. Do you want this to be in IV goals still and draw attention to yourself especially since India got almost 30% of EB visas? Coz if you do so, someone will say : What are you talking about...what 7%? Indian employees consumed 30% of EB visa numbers in previous years.

    Per country quota limit, if eliminated will not have any benefit but will draw attention to India and China already claiming way more than 7% of 140,000 visas. Its a counterproductive strategy.

    The quota itself is a problem. The per country limit within the quota is NOT a problem.


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  • H4_losing_hope
    04-15 04:28 PM
    Hi folks,

    Just got back from UK on Friday after a month of family time, medicals and our embassy interview! Wanted to let you all know that we were approved and happily back in the US!!

    Congrats on the latest admin wins and movements in campaigns/projects. I wanted to say a huge thank you but not farewell to the many kind folks who kept my spirits high in the short time I have been with IV:
    abhijitp, needhelp, digital2k, paskal, gsc999, waiting4gc, pappu, chanduv23, santb1975, nolaindian32, walking dude, ja1hind, logiclife and many more. All of you rock and America is very lucky to have such genuine and brilliant people like you. I wish you the very best for your own journey.

    I will be around for sure, just have to concentrate on securing some work and life for a bit, finally!

    my best :)


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  • jambapamba
    07-20 07:53 AM
    If we submit tax returns then do CIS check those to see what exsumptions we have taken etc??? One of my friend by mistake took hope credits coupld yrs ago and is terrified that CIS may catch this if he sends the tax returns so he has been fighting with his attorney about not sending it!! both he and his wife are earning and no dependents. Any thoughts on the situation??

    I told him checking the tax returns is not CIS's function!! That is IRS.......he should relax. By the way, what happens if he approaches IRS saying it was an honest mistake and pays off the exsumption he took.

    What is wrong with taking Hope credits ??

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  • raysaikat
    01-29 12:22 PM
    My sister got her H-1B in 2008 but didn't work for her employer due to health problems. After about 3 to 4 months she left for India and recovered. Over there she joined a multi-national who sent her on B1 this year. (She already had traveled on B1 from a very old employer and used that).

    Now after coming here on B1, she has a job offer from an Indian MNC. My understanding is that the MNC will have to file two petitions:

    1. A Change of Status from B1 to H1B
    2. A I-129 requesting H-1B (or H-1B transfer)

    Question -
    a) Can she start working for the Indian MNC after filing both of these two, or will we have to wait for both approvals?

    She must wait for H1-B approval (I-797) form. In addition, if the I-797 does not have an attached I-94, then she must go out of the country, get H1-B stamped (if she does not have one) and reenter on H1-B VISA before she can start working.

    b) Do we require paystubs from the original H-1B employer from 2008 for H-1B transfer? My understanding is that paystubs are usually required to establish one is currently in status, but she is on B1 right now and not H1B.

    Attorneys, please advise.

    Much thanks in advance,


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  • enver
    06-13 04:00 PM
    Im from Turkey.

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  • jonty_11
    08-13 06:40 PM
    just read teh 3rd post above urs...phew!!! that was tiring wasnt it...


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  • dngoyal
    07-27 02:12 PM
    I have a question, my attorney says that he has filed the application on 2nd July without my signature.
    I have not given any authorization also.
    I am worried if it is valid or not.

    I don't know if they take authorization from my employer or it should be from me.
    Please suggest.

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  • msp1976
    10-16 10:14 AM
    What are you saying? Health Services dismal? I thought it was better than US in many aspects. The cost is cheap for treatment (unless you have some uncommon disease. Since the system is churning up so many doctors, there is a lot of competition. Even in small villages you will find many doctors competing for patients. Maybe that is not true for everywhere, but that is what I have seen in my home state Haryana.

    Also the education system may not be perfect, but kids don't have to go to private schools, because public schools have run out of capacity. There are problems like not all-around development, and not all kids doing great in studies. But that is true even in US, unless you are sending your kids to a fine private school (which by the way you can do in India, if you have money). JMHO

    You can get reasonable education and health care in India if you are in the top 10% income range. You can get reasonable eduction and health care in US if you are in the top 50% income rage. That is the main difference...


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  • GotGC??
    02-20 04:48 PM
    This is useful, but I doubt its accuracy because some of the cases I know - including mine - are missing !!

    Here is the link to database:

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  • terpcurt
    November 2nd, 2003, 10:48 AM
    Some shots from yeasterday at and around the Delaware Water Gap:

    Looks like a painting to me ;)

    Real nice pictures..... I need to get me a tripod to do some of these shots.........

    More money, more money, more money


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  • permfiling
    12-10 01:03 AM
    My cousin took a offer from a employer in CA few months ago who did her H1 transfer but the condition mentioned in the agreement is that

    In the event the employee voluntarily resigns or her employment is terminated for performance or cause prior to 4 years, employee agrees to reimburse the "Employer" for the full amount of legal, administrative and filing fees associated with the sponsorship of the employee's work visas as permitted by law.

    The employer won't do premium processing so my cousin paid $1000 on her own but she had to travel outside the country to canada to get a new I-94. The employer's law firm filed the paper work with canada embassy in US to get a canadian visa.

    Now my cousin got her GC through her hubby which her employer does not know. She is debating if she needs to inform her manager and company as they might ask her to sign any agreement or give back H1 fees.

    The employment laws in CA are different so how can she move (if moves within 4 yrs) to another company without paying anything or a little fee to the employer. I told her that H1-B fees are not too high maybe around $4000.00 so the employer will have to spend lot of money on the lawyer's to go to court to suit her if she left say after 2 years of employment as she feels that the agreement is one sided considering the time line.

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  • dollar500
    04-10 06:23 PM
    Moonlighting will be acceptable easily as long as it's on the code internist. Problem is some fellowships are so demanding that you wont be able to moonlight as an internist. If you can figure this out smoothly and yr employer agrees nothing is better. Good thought.

    HI I am a physician (hospitalist) whose labor was under the catagory 'Internist' job code. The fellowship I am considering is open only to internist. I am also planning to moonlight as an internist while in fellowship. Would it be acceptable from the I485 point of view? Incidentally my I140 was approved more the 180 days ago.


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  • scamp
    04-21 01:13 PM
    I know how you feel but Im sure your time will come, our application is in Texas Service Center also and we are current since March and I was expecting that it will be approved in November but thank God my husband received an approval email just today. Forget about their processing dates it was never followed in our case, our I-140 was supposed to be approved december last yr but we got approval notice last October, our receipt notice for I-145 is June 20, 2007 but we got approved today.

    Here's other details:

    Eb3 Philippines
    PD July 2004
    1-140/I-485 RD June 20'07
    I-140 approved- Oct 25'07
    I-485 aprroved- Apr 21'08

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  • ameryki
    03-17 04:38 PM
    also to consider is EAD renewal. if your EAD renewal does not come through in time you can get in to all kinds of mess. I know of someone that had to leave their job sit at home and then get hired back once Ead came through.

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  • burnt
    12-12 01:53 PM
    Friends - Do they ask for I-485 receipts at the port of entry while returning on AP?

    03-03 11:24 AM
    I did AC21 from a Consulting company into a big financial company and moved using EAD. My old employer requested USCIS to revoke my 140 and as a result I got a NOID from USCIS asking details of new employment. I gave the details and my case processing resumed.

    AC21 issues can be resolved. So don't worry about it.

    Chanduv23, When you moved to another employer, did they give you a permanent offer letter for your GC process that you would attach with the Ac21 documents or did you use the employment letter that they gave for joining the new company?? Am I confusing you? I meant to ask, since GC is for future employment, did thay give you a separate employment letter for the future job?

    08-13 01:52 AM
    looks like vldrao got his GC and took a hike ;)

    Yea...expect to have Vldrao back after the visa bulletin is out.

    Where is mr. rao?

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